Saturday, May 23, 2009

the 40th day

May 22nd was the 40th day after my Uncle Romy died. My Catholic relatives celebrate this day because they believe that on this day, the soul finally goes up to heaven, after staying here on earth. Or maybe,they believe that the soul of the departed goes to Purgatory, where it's sins are forgiven through prayers of its loved ones still living. Kinda like being given a second chance.

Being a Christian, my beliefs are different. The Bible says that when a Christian dies, "absent from the body, present with the Lord". I have believed all along that Uncle Romy's soul is with my Lord and Savior the very day he died.

We went and visited the cemetery, took some pictures, and just enjoyed the peace and quiet, except for the cemetery workers who decided to have a race with their little golf carts carrying tools, zooming around the tombstones. Total disrespect.

Beside this tall monument and inside the enclosure is my uncle's gravesite.

That's my sister, Nerie, on the left, and me with my kids.

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